Monday, December 30, 2019

5 reasons why you should start a company today

5 reasons why you should start a company today5 reasons why you should start a company todayIt seems like everybody today wants to be an entrepreneur.Figures like Elon Musk and Gary Vaynerchuk are exalted as rock stars, admired for their wealth, fame, and seemingly limitless amounts of brainpower.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOddly enough, American entrepreneurship has beenon the declinefor the last four decades. And since the stock market crash of 2008, the number of startup launches has stayed around 425,000 per year, rather than the 500,000-600,000 range of years past.Im also finding that many articles published about entrepreneurship tend to play up the negative, with topics such as Why Entrepreneurship Is Not For Everyone or Signs Youre Not Cut Out To departure Your Own Business. No doubt, being your own boss is difficult. Its a lot of hard work, and theres no guarantee i tll work out.Butbuilding your own companyis super rewarding.Starting as early as my teenage years, Ive been the founder of over 10 different geschftliches miteinanderes. Along the way, Ive realized the entrepreneurs who are most successful over the long run are the ones who get into it for the right reasons- they love what theyre doing and feel passionate about solving a problem.If you feel driven to become an entrepreneur, embrace the challenge. Trust me when I say that your potential for success and fulfillment is truly unlimited.Here are five reasons, despite data telling you otherwise, you should start a company1 Youll experience true, liberating freedomWhile it is stressful to be entirely in charge of a ventures success or failure (not to mention the livelihood of your employees), being an entrepreneur is a liberating experience.Youre free to make decisions, set your own processes, define your destiny. Beyond just getting to call the shots, you also enjoy a deep sense of satisf action when you put your all into something and believe in yourself with every fiber of your being.Theres real freedom to having anabundance mindset- knowing you can do anything and your opportunities are endless.2 Youll learn more than any book can teachWith Google and YouTube at your fingertips, you can teach yourself anything. Even if you dont have a computer or web connection, you can go to a public library and find an infinite amount of free information on any topic youre interested in.But knowledge is useless without action, so you have to actually do something with all the stuff you learn.By starting my own companies, I gained more wisdom than I could from any book. When I was buildingInfluencive, for example, I acquired a new perspective on what it means to run a publication- particularly how the tech side of digital publishing works. Here, I gained a deep comprehension of all the different elements needed to start a company from the ground up.As the captain of the ship, you need to learn how everything works in order to ensure youre steering in the right direction.3 Youll push resourcefulness to its limitsEntrepreneurs create something out of nothing.They start a company from ground zero, and in the process, they figure out how to bootstrap and make things happen with few resources. This experience makes entrepreneurs very different from members of a family business who were handed their responsibilities on a platter.The ability to be resourceful, and the flexibility required to pivot after making mistakes, gives entrepreneurs a competitive edge over everyone else. They have a deep understanding of how to be successful and how to compete in the marketplace.Ten times out of ten, I bet on the person with real-life skills who puts blood, sweat, and tears into a venture.4 Youll get more respectEntrepreneurs have mutual respect for each other, and its nice to be part of that club.People generally want to help out, especially when they recognize that youre the real deal and are passionate about what you do. If youre going to sell digital marketing services, for example, reach out to people who have already built similar companies and are doing what you want to do. The more phone calls you make and emails you send, the more likely youll get a response from someone.People reach out to me all the time to ask for advice and say they really admire what Ive done. I respond to several of those messages each week because I respect that theyre putting themselves out there.5 Youll see its not as risky as you thinkEven if youre the sole breadwinner of a big family, there are things you can do to mitigate the financialrisk of being an entrepreneur.For one, you dont have to quit your job to start a company. Instead, you can treat your business as a side hustle, devoting time to it after work and on the weekends. Additionally, you can ask yourself one simple question to realize that most of the time, the worst case scenario is actually not that bad .The question is So what?Lets say your business fails. Okay, so what? Well, you wasted a bunch of time and money. So what? You didnt make any money during that period. So what? You cant pay your rent. So what? Alright, you have to find somewhere to live. Okay, so what? You stay with a friend or family member until you can make your next move. And so on. You get the idea.By adopting this type of stoic mindset, you give yourself permission to fail and gain the courage to jump into the deep end.Many things in life are risky. Even going to college requires a huge investment of time and money- and youre not even guaranteed a job after you graduate. Dont letfearor excuses hold you back from starting your own company.It takes sacrifice to achieve big things, and being an entrepreneur is no exception. With the right mindset, you can learn to cultivate the skills that will make you successful. Remember, entrepreneurship isnt as dangerous as you might thinkThis article first appeared on Minut es Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Top 5 perfect trips for the traveler that loves to play tennis

Top 5 perfect trips for the traveler that loves to play tennisTop 5 perfect trips for the traveler that loves to play tennisFor two and a half weeks every year New York City comes alive with the tennis elite at the U.S. Open and even diehard Yankees fans suddenly find themselves tuning in to watch the action at Flushing Stadium. With Rafael Nadal turning up the heat on his opponents this year and claiming his third U.S win, avid tennis buffs went right home after with one thought how can I play like him?How about a few weeks at a tennis spa to practice up your game, learn new skills and gain an advantage? Here are five of the Squires favorites in far-flung locations around the world.Game, set, matchThailand Thanyapura TennisServe it and smash it with the guidance of professional mentors at Thanyapura, sheltered beneath the peaceful mountains of Phuket. Train among tennis all-stars and international teams on 6 competition-class courts. Complement tennis with a selection of fitness cl asses including spinning, Kinesis and Pilates. Reap the benefits of a rejuvenating sports massage at the resorts spa or indulge in holistic treatments for an enhanced sense of well-being. Reconnect with all your senses at this dedicated fitness retreat and return home with a sharper game that will have your opponents running in circles.www.thanyapura.comTurkey D-Maris Hotel TennisGain the advantage on a coastal tennis holiday at D-Hotel Maris in Turkey, overlooking the spot where the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas meet. Learn how to sharpen your technique during private lessons with the D-Hotel Tennis School, headed up by Wimbledon champion and Olympic medalist, Goran Ivanisevic. Off-court, unwind with reviving spa treatments or take advantage of complimentary group classes, from spinning to yoga. With five private beaches to choose from, keep your winning streak going by soaking up the sunshine during a game of beach volleyball.www.dmarishotel.comSt Lucia BodyHoliday TennisPractice acing your serve on an active tennis holiday at BodyHoliday in St Lucia, set beside the secluded bay of Cariblue. Hit the courts for private coaching and group lessons, before testing what youve learned in a mixed doubles set with fellow guests. Round out this all-inclusive tennis holiday with a wide range of group fitness classes, land and water sports, yoga, Box Fit, mountain biking and kayaking. After an active day, relax at the spa with a range of treatments, including massages, body scrubs and facials.www.thebodyholiday.comSpain Royal Tennis Club MarbellaLocated just the toss of a ball away from the luxurious Mediterrannean hideaway that is Marbella Club, follow in the footsteps of tennis greats like Serena Williams and Boris Becker at Royal Tennis Club.With ten well-equipped courts and a talented team of professional coaches waiting to serve you, there really is no better place to perfect your technique. Unleash your competitive side with twice-weekly group tennis tournaments and channel your inner-champion putting new-found skills to the test. After a day of serving and volleying, wind down with a personalized massage and relax in the beachfront Thalasso Spa with breathtaking views across the Med. www.royaltennisclub.comUK Grayshott Spa Tennis BreakBook an intensive two night tennis break at Grayshott Spa, set on 47 acres of peaceful woodland in the countryside of Surrey. Improve your game with two hour-long private coaching sessions with Grayshotts on-site pro, before practicing on the complimentary indoor and outdoor courts. Get your Zen on with daily walks around the grounds as well as the adjacent National Trust land, or join a variety of group classes, including yoga, Pilates, circuit training and Tai Chi. Finish off your short break with a reviving massage to return home fully rejuvenated and ready for your next match.www.grayshottspa.comThis article was originally published on Travelsquire.

Friday, December 20, 2019

My Engineers Notebook Carlos Alberto Beatty Jr.

My Engineers Notebook Carlos Alberto Beatty Jr. My Engineers Notebook Carlos Alberto Beatty Jr. ASME member Carlos Alberto Beatty Jr., of Detroit, Mich., is currently an pro domoal auditor working at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles U.S. headquarters in Auburn Hills, Mich. Prior to joining Fiat Chrysler, Carlos worked as a process engineer at DENSO Manufacturing Michigan (DMMI) and as an operations associate engineer at Peabody Energy in Wyoming. In 2016-2017, Carlos served as an ASME Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) intern for the Volunteer Orientation and Leadership Training (VOLT) Academy, working with its executive team to develop training experiences for ASME personnel. A member of ASME since 2009, Carlos was a volunteer on the ASME Student Sections Committee for two years, and served a trainer and organizer for several Society leadership training sessions. He also volunteered as a planning commissioner for the Rapid City Statutory Planning Commissi on in Rapid City, S.D. Carlos received a bachelors degree in industrial engineering and engineering management from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and a masters of business administration from the University of South Dakota.Carlos Alberto Beatty Jr.Whats inside your engineers notebook?My engineers notebook is a little different. I currently work in internal audit and compliance (IAC), so my notebook contains information such as daily notes on meetings, accounting and finance, manufacturing processes, or anything related to the general audit process. I also sketch process flow diagrams, write general Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, or make note of rules and regulations related to accounting, finance, or regulatory compliance.Whose notebook would you most like to peek into? Why?If given the opportunity, I would peek into the notebook of Elon Musk because he is a disruptor. Anyone that directly challenges the status quo for the purpose of human improvement i s someone that I would like to understand more. I appreciate the thinking of disruptors because without them, it is difficult to facilitate real change.How and when did you know you wanted to become an engineer?I always focused my educational choices on attempting to become the most effective schwierigkeit solver. Engineering was the clear choice in making the initial steps toward being an effective complex problem solver.Whats the most exciting project youve ever worked on?When I worked as an engineer at Peabody Energy, I was given the opportunity to develop a capital justification and long-term strategic operations model for a multi-million dollar crushing conveyance system, which was based on potential challenges in our mining plan. The project was challenging because it required knowledge related to material transportation, logistics, mine design, short- and long-term strategic planning, plant operations, maintenance, and finance. I was tasked to learn in unterstellung areas and develop a feasible plan to prove its value, which I helped present to executive management with mine management. The project was approved and was implemented.What do you think youd be doing if you hadnt become an engineer?I try not to think this way. I truly believe engineering is a great profession to become whatever you want. Case in point, I am now an auditor, and I attribute any success I have from a background in engineering. As an engineer, the world is yours Make it your own.(Clockwise from top left) ASME Past President Marc Goldsmith, Callie Tourigny, Carlos Beatty Jr., Mickey Clemon, Twish Mehta, Past President Reggie Vachon and Clare Bruff, ASME senior manager, at the 2016 VOLT Executive Committee Retreat in Miami.Whats your favorite activity when youre not working?I like to read books and have educated discussions on the topics of sociology, philosophy, and psychology. I like to challenge my way thinking and work on skills contrary to my strengths in math and science. Th at way, I can improve not only as a professional, but just as a functional person in society.Was there a book or a movie that piqued your interest in science or inspired you to become an engineer?Id have to say every James Bond movie ever made and Iron Man. I think those movies reinforced my decision to be an engineer.Who are your heroes, either within the engineering profession or in the rest of your life?I am a firm believer that while there are many people to look up to, I do not idolize anyone. Learn from the failures and successes of others and become the best version of yourself, and do not limit yourself.Whats the most meaningful or rewarding aspect of being connected to engineering?I enjoy being part of the engineering community because engineers are the most animated and intriguing people out in the world. While we may get jokes for being more on the shy side, I know the power of engineers and the benefits they bring to society. I am proud and thankful that I can be a part of such an inspirational community.What does ASME mean to you?ASME is my avenue to keep connected to the engineering community, as well as my opportunity to help the profession grow. We need engineers in every aspect of society, and I believe it is ASME that will lead the way in creating a world where engineers are contributing in more ways than the traditional sense. I believe that if ASME plays its cards right and engages the new generation of engineers correctly, we can be a prominent force in the future of engineering in society. That will start with the leadership of the organization funneling in more millennials into the leadership of the organization to craft strategic plans to become the most effective organization for aspiring professionals.I enjoy being part of the engineering community because engineers are the most animated and intriguing people out in the world.Carlos Alberto Beatty Jr.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to spot if youre a bad listener (and what you can do to change it!)

How to spot if youre a bad listener (and what you can do to change it)How to spot if youre a bad listener (and what you can do to change it)Youve been planning to catch up with your bestie for weeks. But between late nights at work and weekends running from errands to engagement parties, youve both been seriously MIA. That is, until tonight. Finally, a long overdue evening of wine, cheese, and a whole lotta chat.As you both settle in, your gaze drifts off to the table on your right. You spot that luxe pair of Mansur Gavriel heels youve been eyeing at Incu for weeks. Theyre even more perfect in the flesh,you think as your mind begins to style tauglichkeit outfit combinations. I can definitely pull those off at work, maybe I can claim it on tax?you ponder, wishfully.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSuddenly, you feel your besties gaze and realize shes waiting for a response. You ca nt recall what she was speaking about, or what on earth shes waiting for you to say.Communication is the key tohealthy, thriving relationships.As simple as it seems, listening is one of the most overlooked aspects of effective communication. Lets explore whatred flagsto watch out for and how to overcome the most common listening mistakes to foster meaningful connections with your friends and family.Asking questions and not listening to the answerEver feel like your conversations are more like an episode ofQA? Questions are a fantastic way to delve deeper into a topic, giving you a better insight into a friends latest hobby or the plotline of a new binge-worthy TV show.The issues arise when you, as the questioner, switch off. Its important to ask questions with the intention of mindfully listening to the answer. A great way to become an active listener is to avoid firing off a thousand dead-end questions, and instead use the speakers answer as a springboard to build discussion.By usi ng questions as thought-starters for larger conversations, youll be able to really tune in to what the other speaker is saying and dive deep into meaningful discussions.Always waiting for your next chance to speakWhen we are constantly on the look-out for breaks in conversation to speak, were unable to fully immerse ourselves in what the other person is saying. Next time youre chatting with agood friend, observe where your thoughts are going. Are you actively comprehending what theyre speaking about or planning your next story to share?Train yourself to stay in the moment by focusing on what the other person is discussing. Try to take note of the details theyre sharing, such as the names of friends or coworkers theyve mentioned or where they went for dinner last night. This technique will keep you engaged in the conversation and allow you to respond thoughtfully.Let the conversation flow naturally and move organically from one topic to the next to ensure the speaker feels respected and heard.Jumping in frequently with advice or personal anecdotesThat reminds me of the time I Sound familiar? We are all guilty of shifting the focus back onto ourselves and unknowingly hijacking conversations. Although we might believe this helps to build a connection, it can often alienate the speaker and make them feel as if we are devaluing their experiences.Because no one wants to have their break up or a bad day at work compared to someone elses.Getting distracted on your phoneTheres nothing worse than sitting across from someone while they leisurely reply to their latest Instagram DMs. Or, worse, check their emails.Show your loved ones they have your full attention by putting your phone on silent (or better, Do Not Disturb mode) and make a pact to keep all phones away from the table. Even the buzz of a notification or sound of an incoming call can be enough to pull us out of the moment and derail deep conversations.This article originally appeared on A Girl in Progress.You m ight also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

By the Numbers Who Hires the MEs

By the Numbers Who Hires the MEs By the Numbers Who Hires the MEs By the Numbers Who Hires the MEs?A forecast from the Department of Labor shows mechanical engineering employment holding its own through 2024growing a little more than engineering jobs overall and only a bit more slowly than overall job growth in the United States.The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that mechanical engineering employment in the U.S. will total 290,000 jobs in 2024. Thats 5.3 percent more than the 277,500 jobs that the agency counted in 2014.That compares with a predicted 7 percent increase in all jobs and a 4 percent increase in all engineering jobs.The most significant growth is predicted in the area of professional, scientific, and technical services as companies continue to contract work. This category of employment had 87,000 jobs in 2014 representing 31.5 percent of the ME profession. The BLS forecasts a 16.8 percent increase to 102,100 jobs in 2024, accounting for 35 percent of jobs.W ithin that category, jobs identified specifically as mechanical engineering services are expected to grow almost 23 percent to 65,000 in 2024 and to constitute more than 22 percent of total ME employment.The agency also predicts a 13 percent increase to 288,600 jobs in mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction.Mechanical engineering jobs in other fields are also expected to show double-digit increases, although from smaller bases. The BLS predicts employment in construction, for example, will grow almost 14 percent from 3,700 to 4,200 jobs.Manufacturing is still expected to be the leading employer of mechanical engineers in 2024, when it may account for 46.2 percent of the profession, but overall the field is expected to show a small decline. Manufacturing companies employed almost half the MEs working in the U.S. in 2014, some 136,800 people. The BLS expects U.S. manufacturers to employ 134,900 mechanical engineers in 2024, 1.4 percent fewer than in 2014.The median salary for m echanical engineers in 2014 was $83,060, about $5,000 less than the median for all engineers, but more than double the median for all U.S. jobs.More information, including the full table with a line-by-line breakdown of mechanical engineering jobs, can be found online at http//

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Most Neglected Fact Regarding Images of Resume Uncovered

The fruchtwein Neglected Fact Regarding Images of Resume Uncovered It can be beneficial to print a duplicate of your cover letter and edit it using a pen in hand. The cover letter ought to be a one-page document that offers clear and concise details as to why you desire the job. Your cover letter is about identifying the strengths which make you so right for the ort. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. The organization would like to think that you took the opportunity to read about and understand the position. If you wish to catch the interest of the hiring manager, youve got to give them what they want. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. The issue is, each job differs and what each hiring manager is on the lookout for is different. Every trade position has a particular set of skills which are required at work and its vital that you highlight your technical training in your resume. In that circumstance, its more important to adhere to the instructions on the work listing. Highlight your transferable abilities, which are those that you are able to use from 1 job to the next no matter the position. Each time you put in an application for a new job, check your resume to guarantee that it isnt only targeted, but in addition current. The True Meaning of Images of Resume Meanwhile, here are our finest practices to follow when it has to do with formatting your resume. Resumes are tricky its sometimes hard to know exactly what things to include. Accounting and finance managers may wish to see your technical understanding. Since you may see, theres a vast range of freebies to select from. There are a lot of online tools that help non-designers quickly produce their own infographics. Hi I believe the templates wont assist you in getting more interviews, the majority of the templates dont let you make the best resume. Most teachers should list all their certifications, or any time they anticipate receiving them. Irrespective of format, your career highlights section should be discovered at the peak of your resume, directly beneath your contact info. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. If thats the case, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the range of your abilities and abilities. Having a look at how others wrote their resumes can provide you some excellent ideas. For instance, if you were in charge of making an advertising campaign on Facebook, show that you had the ability to achieve the businesss target market without needing to devote the money thats usually spent on advertising. The area of business is huge and theres a good selection of positions offered in it. You might have pursued the arts thinking youre exempt from the nitty-gritty of the company world. With a soc ial media resume, youre attempting to impress many individuals, so its essential to abide by key design and format principles to make sure your very first impression gets it proper. There are sure models where the content is organized in kind of a grid pattern. For everyone with a simple word processing program, its simple to see there are scores and scores of fonts out there to select from and picking the most suitable one can be challenging. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could aid you with your work search. Such examples are extremely useful since they save time which might have been wasted otherwise on figuring the suitable format out. The work experience section will likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. In any field wherever your personality or skilled appearance is an essential part of the job, a photo is a great way to demonstrate that off. You also ought to chat about past experience. Top resume builders arrive equipped with a range of features that makes resume writing seem effortless. Images of Resume Features Therefore, if youre a bartender searching for a better job, a Bartender Blank Resume Template can help you a whole lot. The times you need to use a creative resume are fewer than when you ought to use a formal resume. It is possible to download as many resumes as you desire. Separate resumes are offered for assorted disciplines.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Overcome Leaders Doubt About New Hiring Trends and Tools

How to Overcome Leaders Doubt About New Hiring Trends and ToolsAs a talent acquisition professional, you are probably a bit of a hiring trends nerd. When you hear about a new tool or trick, you immediately want to know more in hopes it helps your company find talent more efficiently. You research, and if its a good fit, approach your company leaders with a new hiring action plan.And, if youre like most hiring professionals, you get shot down.Its unfortunate, but leaders often stand in the way of hiring progress. In fact, our recent report, How to Make the fruchtwein of Your Hiring Budget, revealed for 27 percent of hiring professionals, a lack of leadership buy-in is one of the biggest obstacles keeping companies from using the best trends and tools.Your leaders absolutely do not want your kollektiv to fail. But given the demands of their responsibilities, they dont always have time to understand the intricacies of the recruiting and hiring process and, therefore, dont know what you need to be more successful. Its up to you to change their minds.Here are four ways to get your company executives to believe in the latest hiring trends and tools Track the data to back your caseHiring data helps you make better decisions about your talent acquisition processes. Knowing the ROI of your tools and your cost-per-hire shows how your company would benefit from new resources.Yet, many talent acquisition pros dont track this data or have access to this information if their company does track hiring budget metrics. Remarkably, in our previously mentioned report, 14 percent of respondents said they didnt know the ROI of their hiring tools and 24 percent said they didnt track cost-per-hire. Without that data, its difficult to make a case for new hiring trends and tools.If youre already tracking hiring metrics, make sure you break the data down to see hidden trends. Overall, your cost-per-hire might be good, but that may be because one departments hiring managers are spending drastically less than another department. With this information, you can find what those hiring managers are doing differently and then propose a company-wide change. Break down your hiring metrics in the following waysBy departmentsMonthlyTop hires and bad hiresBy the locations hierarchy in the organizationTracking different hiring metrics enables you to prove whether making the change welches the right decision as well as see when its time to move on to bigger and better tools. With data to back your hiring teams progress, over time, your leaders will see definite improvements across the organization and trust your suggestions in the future. 24% of hiring professionals dont track cost-per-hire. Without those metrics, you cant expect leaders to agree to better tools.Click To TweetShow the inefficienciesOften, the biggest problem is company leaders dont see where there are inefficiencies with the current process. Stephen Hart, CEO of Cardswitcher, admits when his HR manager first su ggested they start using inbound recruiting, he was skeptical. I think I was hesitant, initially, because I wasnt completely convinced of the benefits of the process change, he says. But after sitting down with his HR manager, he realized the current methods werent as effective as he thought. The HR manager had identified a lot of areas where there were significant inefficiencies, Hart explains. They also showed me several academic journal articles and studies comparing the two approaches and their respective benefits and drawbacks. After thinking carefully about the evidence my employees provided, I decided to go for the change. When you approach company executives, show them the cracks in the system so they understand why you are missing out on great talent. Then, explain how the new hiring trend or tool would address those specific issues without compromising other parts of the hiring process. Explain the effects on moraleWhen you talk to leaders about hiring trends and tools, th eir focus is on potential employees. They dont always think about how not having the right resources is negatively impacting the team they already have. But many hiring teams are struggling and its hurting overall morale. In our previously mentioned report, 21 percent of talent acquisition professionals said if they received an increase to their hiring budget, theyd use it to hire someone else to help with hiring and recruiting responsibilities. Furthermore, 28 percent of respondents said their satisfaction with their hiring budget was tied to their stress levels and 25 percent said it was linked to how overwhelmed the rest of the team felt.Your leaders care about the emotional state of their employees. But its not always clear how hiring trends and tools impact morale. Be sure to explain the ways in which the new resource or process will create positive change for current employees.Company leaders care about employees. Ask for new hiring tools that would help your HR team.Click To TweetTie the trend to company goalsMost leaders are goal-oriented. Before making any decisions, they need to know how a change will contribute to forward growth. For example, when Nate Masterson, the HR Manager for Maple Holistics, and his team of employees were looking to hire brand ambassadors, he didnt understand why they wanted to advertise the positions in Facebook groups for distant cities.I was hesitant about recruiting from these locations because I felt if people had to travel so far, they might not be as reliable or accessible, he says. The team explained that the best way to get a diverse swimming-pool of applicants was to expand our search.Once the decision was tied to their diversity and inclusion goals he understood the value it had. Make sure your leaders also see how a new strategy or tool will help accomplish a specific goal. This will open their minds and earn their support.