Thursday, May 28, 2020

How To Start Over In JibberJobber (bulk delete, delete by import)

How To Start Over In JibberJobber (bulk delete, delete by import) Recently Ive gotten a few emails asking how to delete all of your records and just start over. This might be because you did a job search five years ago and you just want a clean slate (theres value in keeping the records from five years ago), or because you did an import from LinkedIn or Google Contacts and didnt realize how dirty your data was. Whatever the reason, there are two easy ways to delete all of your records: Bulk Delete from List Panels This is my favorite because you have more control over individual records.   You can do this from almost any List Panel in JibberJobber. Here are the basic steps: From the List Panel you want to clean up (say, Contacts), choose the Manage Columns icon and then show 255 records at a time. Check the checkboxes on the left (the very top one selects/unselects all of them) note you can be selective down to each record At the bottom of the List Panel youll see a DELETE icon. Click that and you are on your way to cleaner data! Check out this post with step-by-step pictures. Bulk Delete by an Import Lets say you have imported a few thousands records from a csv file. You can delete every one of those records in one fell swoop. Mouse over Contacts, Companies, or Jobs, and click the Import/Export option. On the bottom-right there is a link: My Imports On the next page youll see imports you have done you can either delete the imports one at a time, or use the List Panel bulk delete action, as per the steps above Heres a post with step-by-step pictures for deleting by import. How To Start Over In JibberJobber (bulk delete, delete by import) Recently Ive gotten a few emails asking how to delete all of your records and just start over. This might be because you did a job search five years ago and you just want a clean slate (theres value in keeping the records from five years ago), or because you did an import from LinkedIn or Google Contacts and didnt realize how dirty your data was. Whatever the reason, there are two easy ways to delete all of your records: Bulk Delete from List Panels This is my favorite because you have more control over individual records.   You can do this from almost any List Panel in JibberJobber. Here are the basic steps: From the List Panel you want to clean up (say, Contacts), choose the Manage Columns icon and then show 255 records at a time. Check the checkboxes on the left (the very top one selects/unselects all of them) note you can be selective down to each record At the bottom of the List Panel youll see a DELETE icon. Click that and you are on your way to cleaner data! Check out this post with step-by-step pictures. Bulk Delete by an Import Lets say you have imported a few thousands records from a csv file. You can delete every one of those records in one fell swoop. Mouse over Contacts, Companies, or Jobs, and click the Import/Export option. On the bottom-right there is a link: My Imports On the next page youll see imports you have done you can either delete the imports one at a time, or use the List Panel bulk delete action, as per the steps above Heres a post with step-by-step pictures for deleting by import.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Skincare Help You Can Find In Your Own Kitchen

Skincare Help You Can Find In Your Own Kitchen With Spring’s unpredictable weather approaching, keeping your skin healthy and glowing can be a challenge. From the heat’s dehydrating effect to humidity’s pore-clogging grief, an at-home facial is sure to provide a quick fix. But with so many products and confusing ingredient labels lining the shelves, it can be impossible to choose what’s best for your skin! New York City’s  Dr. Christopher Calapai  has  created a tip sheet of his favorite  skincare options found in your own kitchen!  For Sensitive Skin: Try Oatmeal Oatmeal is great for sensitive skin because it contains anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, but also contains soothing properties that would benefit those with sensitive skin How to:  Mix two or three tablespoons of finely ground oats with one tablespoon of honey for an extra-soothing combo  For Acne-Prone Skin: Try Citrus  Citrus does an excellent job of removing dead skin cells. Lemon, in particular, fights breakouts with its antibacterial properties and can reduce the appearance of dark marks How to:  Combine fresh lemon juice with all-natural yogurt to fight acne, while yogurt’s sooths skin and tightens pores For Oily Skin: Try Sugar Sugar is another great exfoliator that works great with oily skin because it gets deep into pores and lifts excess oil and grime to unclog pores How to:  Mix Sugar and egg whites to remove excess oil and shrink pores For Dry Skin: Try Almond Thanks to its high levels of Vitamin E, crushed almond can combat dry skin How to:  Combine one teaspoon of almond powder and one teaspoon of water for a simple yet effective scrub For All Skin Types: Try Baking Soda  Baking Soda is a versatile ingredient that can benefit all skin types. Its exfoliating properties does a great job of removing dead skin cells and is simple to use How to:  Combining baking soda creates a paste that any skin type can handle About Doctor Calapai: Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the The Stem Cell Guru by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimers, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinsons. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gothams, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at  

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Five-Step Summer Slowdown Plan for Recruiters

The Five-Step Summer Slowdown Plan for Recruiters Sponsored by MightyRecruiter It’s that other most wonderful time of the year, and chances are you are dealing with the summer slowdown. And while some try to work the angle that it’s all a myth, you’ve been in the business long enough to know better. You’ve got better things to do than getting hooked into futile debates while meanwhile, your candidate pipeline is starting to trickle away. Suffice it is to say that whether or not the slowdown exists, summer is a disrupted time for recruiters and their workflows. But that doesn’t have to break your stride. Just as savvy job seekers have a different playbook for high and low seasons, so do sage recruiters. During the high season, recruiters are near or at capacity for managing candidate stocks and flows, and the focus is on execution. But during the low season, when there is spare capacity, the focus shifts to getting in position to execute. With that in mind, let’s look at some key activities in the recruiter’s summer playbook. 1. Warm your contacts back up During the high season, you connected with a lot of different people and started many conversations that are likely still open. Summer is the time to reconnect with those contacts and continue those conversations. Successful job seekers know how valuable the art of following up is. But it applies just as well to your side of the table. With whom could you be following up? Start with hiring managers, LinkedIn contacts, candidates in the pipeline or the Mighty Recruiter Resume database where you can have access to qualified applicants who you can invite to apply for a job, as well as potential boomerangs, company alumni, and pre-candidates who have queried your company. The idea is to access job seekers already within your reach that you could move to the next step in the hiring funnel. During summer, you’ll likely have to persevere and be more flexible with setting up meetings. But you’ll increase your chances of getting your timing right with candidates, which is so critical to successful recruiting. 2. Generate your own leads There are lots of ways to do this without getting too salty. One of the best places to start is right in your organization. Get involved with employee onboarding, and ask current and recent on board if they know of anyone they would recommend for various openings. Spread out your efforts and ask for referrals from influencers within your own company. Don’t neglect community managers, content creators, and user group leaders. Ask if they know of anyone that you should know of. Visit all these people in your company personally. And, find out if anyone in the organization has conducted informational interviews, and see if they have someone to recommend. For entry-level roles, consider reaching out directly to new workforce entrants. Chances are it will be the first time they’ve been contacted by a recruiter, and they’ll be eager to engage. 3. Audit your job ad writing To adapt an old saying from the sales profession, “Have you looked at your job ads recently? Everyone else has!” Summer is an excellent time to evaluate the advertisements you have been using to attract the talent you want, and perhaps apply some tough love. Recruiters can use this time to take the lead on job ad writing, meeting with hiring managers, revising and editing text, and managing all the approval back and forth that takes up precious time that nobody has during the high season. And while you’re at it, get some honest feedback on how your emails to candidates and other correspondence reads. 4. Audit your system Summer is also a time to do a reality check on your hiring funnel. It is very easy to operate at a high volume for several months and stress the system, develop leaks, or get out of calibration. One of the first areas you’ll want to look at is your job ad distribution channels. Is the mix working well overall, or are there underperforming channels? Are you fishing in the right ponds? Next, you will want to review your CMS tech solution. Is there excessive application abandonment, and does information get lost? Finally, you will want to review your overall recruitment marketing. How does your employer brand come across to target candidates? How is your candidate experience? Be prepared to make adjustments. During this time you will also be auditing your vendors, suppliers, and contractors to make sure your people, processes, and technology are tuned for performance. 5. Take some chances you’ve been meaning to take Reach out to a few especially intriguing candidates. Pick up a new skill or upgrade an existing one. Write a few content pieces for your company blog. Connect with some of the more charismatic influencers within your company’s community of practice. Find new ways to refresh and renew. A recruiter for all seasons Too often recruiters get complacent during the high season and turn from being brokers into order-takers. They sit in their offices with their doors closed waiting for hiring managers and staffing problems to come to them, and for candidates to pop out of their ATS. Summer is the time to break out of that and switch into active recruiter mode. It’s a time to replenish your pipeline and tap new sources, but also fix leaks and tend to some probably much-needed maintenance. A high-performance recruiting function is like a high-performance sports car: if you’ve been driving it as it was designed to be driven, its going to need some maintenance, especially if you plan to drive on more challenging roads. Working your summer playbook will pay off when activity picks up again, and you can’t afford a breakdown. About the author: MightyRecruiter  is an intuitive, comprehensive, and transformative recruiting solution.  Source passive candidates, track and manage applicants,  access an expansive resume database, take advantage of  Mighty’s free job postings, and hire the most relevant candidates for your jobs, all at no cost.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

4 Ways to Face Your Fears and Truly Enjoy Life - Classy Career Girl

4 Ways to Face Your Fears and Truly Enjoy Life We all know there’s no monster under our bed… hopefully. But the primal fear of something dangerous and lurking in the bush stays with us even into adulthood â€" just in different forms. But here’s the thing. Everyone is afraid. It’s all but impossible to dive into a new arena without some hesitance, some uncertainty, and a healthy amount of “I really, really don’t want to do this.”  Understanding your fears, managing your fears, and being willing push past them to new, exciting, and rewarding opportunities is what results in a life you can truly enjoy. So,  let’s dive into that. Here are 4 ways to face your fears and truly enjoy life: 1. Ditch the Comfort Zone The comfort zone is titled as such for a reason; it’s comfortable. It’s secure and reasonable, and there should be no reason to move beyond it, right? Wrong. The comfort zone is comfy, but it’ll hold you back in numerous ways. It operates like a bubble, which doesn’t allow you to move beyond its barriers. Im not asking you to burst your bubble, just stretch it. Your bubble can get larger and expand to encompass other things the more you stretch it.  But it takes work, your bubble is going to want to stay small. Just like stretching your muscles, its something you have to do consistently to reap the benefits, so youll have to work to stretch your bubble and keep is stretched or it will want to shrink back onto you. 2. Forget About Failing Here’s the thing that blew me away about pursuing a career makeover; you need to get over your fear of messing it up. While that’s easily said, this is something you should be unapologetic about. You COULD screw it up, you could have an incredible failure that leaves you face down in the situation, but by not trying, you’ve actually lost more than if you tried. The key here is to evaluate the actual outcomes of your actions. You’ve likely built it up as something much more than it actually is before you even began your journey. Best part? You might actually win; instead of losing you may gain so much more! Get a piece of paper and write out the pros and the cons of your decision, and see what the best solution is. This gives you clarity and helps you banish the monster under your bed. 3.  Clear Your Money  Blocks Money, money, must be funny, in a rich career-achieving world.  I’m glad you’re laughing at the ABBA joke, because I know I am. So here’s the thing, many avoid their chance at pursuing their dream because they think the money isn’t enough. But the fantastic thing about the modern generation is, because the stability tale is dead, there is no security to be lost.  At this point, if you’re dead set on pursuing your dream, the key is to decide what you actually want.  Cultivate the life that suits your tastes, and you’ll find the money monster has no qualms â€" he’s zen about the experience because so are you. You need to evaluate what you want from life and what brings you pleasure. If money was a nonexistent problem, how would you spend your time? What is really going on is the fear of the unknown. It’s time to nip it in the bud. Manage your expectations out of life and be honest with yourself about it.  Then, get really clear on what your income and expenses need to be and create a budget that allows for your ideal lifestyle. 4. Understand the Impostor Syndrome Ah, yes, the false humility problem called the impostor syndrome. Here’s the thing: talented people are more likely than anyone to under appreciate their accomplishments. Why? Because people who are highly accomplished always push themselves to try harder. This instills the idea that we should never give the proper credit to ourselves. Being falsely humble is bad! Take the time to chart out what you’re good at, what your immediate family and friends say about you, and how you can actually accomplish goals. Overcoming this syndrome is about forcing confidence into your daily life, accepting compliments, and demanding your mind recognize your achievements in all their glory. There are plenty of fears that keep people from testing out something new, exciting, and rewarding. Own it. Embrace it. Just deal with it! So what are you waiting for? Push fear aside, and head out and do it!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Extra opportunities at Bank of America Merrill Lynch - Debut

Extra opportunities at Bank of America Merrill Lynch - Debut It’s easy to stereotype the culture of a working environment in a top banking firm. You might think of flashy suits, tough atmospheres and employees having no time for anything that doesn’t involve #workworkwork. But what if we told you that all these things are a myth? We spoke exclusively with three employees from Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BofAML) about the extra-curricular opportunities that are actively encouraged within their company. Esther, Kim, and Lucy are all part of the many different groups and initiatives at BofAML, from sports teams and painting clubs, to DI meet-ups and professional networking there’s a whole host to choose from. We all know how blooming great societies are â€" from the transferable skills you get, to the friends you make. But wouldn’t it be great if you could extend this to the workplace? Read on to find out how our three guests are doing just that… Finding like-minded people   The best thing about the employee networks is that you aren’t limited to just one. There are opportunities to get involved in a number of different areas, bonding with co-workers from all over the business. For example, Lucy is a member of the LGBT+ Pride network, the Creative Club, the Risk Networking Committee and the Vital Voices London Mentoring Walk Committee. Each group brings something new for her. The LGBT+ Pride network has a greater social drive for Lucy: “We work to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and we are a resource to our members, allies and managers at all levels.” Meanwhile the Creative Club gives her a chance to unwind by attending film screenings, wine tastings and visits to art exhibitions. Finally, the other two groups help her network with others to build up her contacts and gain valuable advice from mentors and colleagues alike.   The camaraderie that’s a part of these groups is also extremely valuable for a first graduate role, as BofAML Netball group member Kim elaborates: “Networks will certainly help when transitioning from university because they give you a sense of belonging and sharing a common interest with others, which is similar to being a student.” Upping skill levels Meeting new people and making friends is all well and good, but extra-curricular groups can give you so much more than that. There’s a wealth of opportunity to build up your knowledge in a new area and develop your skill set. Esther discusses how the Drawing and Painting club has allowed her to take up a hobby that she’s always wanted to: “Being able to draw and paint is a skill I have always admired and wanted to learn, and now I get to learn the techniques and approaches in club meetings.” It’s not just fun, personal skills that you’ll pick up in these networks, though; Kim has been able to build some transferable skills that may be vital in her future career by taking a more organisational role in her chosen group: “I have been able to co-lead a network that I am very passionate about planning, leading and owning a project from scratch.” Meanwhile Lucy uses one of her groups to compliment her role: “I have developed my business relationships and confidence, having hosted senior leaders at a networking breakfast and moderating discussions, ensuring everyone feels they have an opportunity to speak.” Having time outside the office These activities have gone to prove that working for a multinational banking firm does not necessarily mean that you won’t have time away from your desk. The company actively encourages pursuing other interests; as Kim puts it: “It’s important to have a good work life balance, and the business understands and really encourages this.” Moving away from the social part of university can also be extremely difficult, especially if societies have played a big part in your life. But by having these initiatives on-hand, graduates can continue to relieve stress and pursue new things without having to search all over the city, or pay extraordinary amounts of money for memberships to private groups. For Lucy, the benefits are two-fold: “There are so many opportunities to get involved in things that interest you, which add so much variety to my work life, as well as the undeniable positive impact on your career. Getting involved in networks boosts your profile and gives you a chance to build strong meaningful relationships with senior stakeholders.” If you’re a graduate thinking about applying to somewhere like Bank of America Merrill lynch, know that they embrace and welcome people with a variety of interests. You won’t need to ‘mould’ yourself into a working drone, you can still partake in your favourite interests, which may also help boost your career profile at the same time! We think Esther has the best advice for any prospective employees: “Be yourself, identify your strengths and development areas and don’t be scared to ask questions to nurture and build on your skills. Also, identify your interests and find the right balance between your personal and work life.” Preach! Bank of America Merrill Lynch believe in giving you the inspiration, tools and confidence to make the transition to the career you really want. They always ask What would you like the power to do? and work together to achieve it. Applications open on August 28th and they encourage you to apply early to avoid disappointment click here to find out more.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Tips for the Brand New CEO

Tips for the Brand New CEO TIPS FOR THE BRAND NEW CEO Becoming CEO of a company can be a daunting yet exciting reality, especially if it’s your first time in the role. It can be challenging for anyone, even for those with years of experience. But, even more so for someone who’s been thrust into their new title as CEO. I spoke with Brian Onorio, the CEO of full-service digital marketing agency Walk West, who reflects on his days of being a young CEO and the challenges he’s faced along the way. “While Walk West has been a functioning agency since 2007, being the CEO of a one-person outfit is a title by default,” said Onorio. “That’s not taking anything away from the brave entrepreneurs who face the stormy waters of living the work-for-yourself dream, but with scale comes hurdles.” Onorio elaborated, “2015 was a breakout year for Walk West as we went from two employees to 10 and 2016 saw us grow from 10 to 34. In a sense, I feel like a brand new CEO in charge of a fast-moving machine. And with momentum â€" expect turbulence.” To help run your “fast-moving machine,” Onorio shares his top five tips for brand new CEOs. 1 Replace Yourself for Long-Term Growth If you find yourself in the “few employees” category, your mission should be to identify the talent that will help you replace your day-to-day activities. Being behind a computer screen is a recipe for stagnation and plateau. It’s true that the new CEO finds that they will wear a lot of hats. Your job is to start taking a few off. You’re the best salesperson your business has. If you’re too busy working in the business instead of working on the business â€" and without a dedication to sales, you’ll likely hold steady with minimal growth. 2 Understand Growth and Profitability, and When Those Metrics Are Important Revenue and profitability are the two metrics you’re likely to measure your success by. Growth without profitability and profitability without growth can find you on a stagnate path. In our early phase, profitability took a backseat to growth. There was rarely a reasonable project we wouldn’t take on. That doesn’t mean profitability isn’t important, but achieving a high profit margin in early-phase growth means you probably didn’t make the few investments that you probably should have. While in growth mode, plan on reinvesting your profits into things that can make growth even more explosive the next year. That may mean an additional sales person or a piece of software that can automate critical services. When you mature in growth, then turn the knobs for sustainable profitability. 3 Get an Advisor and Mentor Being a relatively young CEO throughout my twenties and into my thirties, I found myself on an island without places to turn for advice when I struggled with a business problem. No one in my personal network was facing the issues I was. Our growth kicked into high gear when I welcomed an advisor and investor in 2015 who had a stellar career in growing service-based companies. It was the difference maker in turning a lifestyle business into an agency. It also added a layer of accountability that I didn’t have before. Although I was accountable to myself, having accountability from a different perspective shines the light on opportunities that you might be too myopic to notice. 4 Get Rid of the 5-Year Plan Five-Year Plans? Throw them out. Concentrate on the current year and do the things you need to do right now to make 2017 a success. If you’ve written a 5-year plan, when was the last time you looked at it or referenced it? That doesn’t mean that you get away without setting goals. But set achievable goals for this year and those goals for the new CEO should be growth driven. 5 Diversify in a Meaningful Way If you’re a new CEO with a small team, look around you and understand the complimentary services or features that you don’t have that could provide you a strengthened unique proposition or revenue stream. While we spent years as website design and development specialists, we started growing only when we could swim upstream from a project and help set the strategy that defined what that project would become. We picked up service line offerings in SEO, paid advertising, social media, and video production. These all complement our goals of successfully marketing our clients’ products and services. When you do diversify your services, keep it related to your core mission. Depart at your own peril you risk diluting the things that you do well when you venture too far from the nest. Join Dana Manciagli’s Job Search Master Class ® now and get the most comprehensive job search system available!

Friday, May 8, 2020

LinkedIn Profile and Resume Writing Services

LinkedIn Profile and Resume Writing ServicesLinkedIn profile and resume writing services, Chicago has a reputation for providing the best in professional assistance. Companies and individuals need professional assistance when looking for employment. To avoid any issues, they hire professionals who understand the needs of the employers. They can help a person or a company to get the best results by following the right strategies.Professional assistance can help a person get jobs, as they can produce work that can impress employers. A person who has the skills, knowledge and credentials for a job can find it very difficult to get hired. Some companies have their own recruitment processes, while some prefer to do it themselves. However, most companies hire people who can fit their requirements, and they know how to search for them. This is the reason why an individual can take help from professionals, who can compile resumes and cover letters for a person, who is very interested in a ce rtain job.Professional help can produce professional results. People who are familiar with the requirements of an employer can also be hired. The recommendations of a person who has been hired before may help a person get better services, as they can give good advice and suggestions. This kind of professional assistance can help a person to produce an effective resume and cover letter for a certain job. The professional can help to compile a good portfolio for a person, which can be used as a basis for the company, when searching for a job.Professional assistance can help a person to land a job. A person who is looking for a job can contact LinkedIn profile and resume writing services in Chicago, which is known for its expertise in hiring. With these kinds of services, a person can get jobs that they are interested in, and this can be very helpful.A person who wants to use LinkedIn profile and resume writing services can opt for companies that offer these services. These companies h ave been in the industry for quite some time, and they have helped to a large extent in getting a lot of people hired. These services have been found to be beneficial in a way that they provide a person the best in results.These services offer professional assistance for jobs that they have. These services can help a person to get jobs, because they have been able to land many jobs before. In other words, they have a lot of experience, which is necessary for a person to land a job. A person who wants to land a job has to use the services of these professionals, as they have helped thousands of people, to land jobs in the past.A person who wishes to use LinkedIn profile and resume writing services can avoid paying a lot of money for getting a job. These services are known for their reliability and efficiency. A person who needs to land a job can ensure that they use the services, in order to get the best out of it. These professionals have done a lot for a lot of people, so they can provide a person with the best professional assistance.