Monday, June 1, 2020

JibberJobber Theme for 2017 (Pre-announcement)

JibberJobber Theme for 2017 (Pre-announcement) I like to do this in early January, so this is a little late. But in early January I was nursing a broken ankle (didnt know it at the time) and was otherwise preoccupied. Even though we are in March, this theme is still relevant. Maybe its even more relevant now. Monday Ill announce this the JibberJobber Theme for 2017. I havent been perfect at defining an annual theme, but here are some of the past themes (click each title to read the theme): 2012 THEME: Job Search is 99% Communication Im convinced that we, as human beings, have a lot of potential to communicate better more effectively.  We, as people who care about our career (aka, career managers), should be keenly focused on communicating more effectively, verbally, written, body language, etc. 2011 THEME: The Job Search Rabbit Hole This theme comes from the concept that perhaps we are working really, really hard, and are very, very focused, on the wrong things. It is about rethinking what our focus is, and making sure we are focused on the right things. 2013 THEME: Consistency Wins This theme is inspired by Mark LeBlanc, who right now is in Spain walking El Camino (again). He says consistency trumps commitment. Im completely convinced that for anything that is a long-game, like a job search, and career management (and owning a business), that is 1,000% true.  Lets focus on moving closer and closer to our goal, with consistency, every single day, and not do any flash-in-the-pan efforts and then burn out. 2015 THEME: The Year of the Cookie The idea of the cookie is usually communicated in a phrase like you have the cookie, or I have the cookie!  It is all about who has the power.  When someone else has the power/cookie (like, in an interview), the control everything. But when you have the power/cookie (perhaps because you are, hands down, the best person for the job). This theme was about recognizing power, and working to ensure you had the power you need. Ive been thinking a lot about this years theme, and Ive struggled with it because its not as optimistic or positive when you first hear the word (its kind of painful), but its crucial. Watch for it on Monday. JibberJobber Theme for 2017 (Pre-announcement) I like to do this in early January, so this is a little late. But in early January I was nursing a broken ankle (didnt know it at the time) and was otherwise preoccupied. Even though we are in March, this theme is still relevant. Maybe its even more relevant now. Monday Ill announce this the JibberJobber Theme for 2017. I havent been perfect at defining an annual theme, but here are some of the past themes (click each title to read the theme): 2012 THEME: Job Search is 99% Communication Im convinced that we, as human beings, have a lot of potential to communicate better more effectively.  We, as people who care about our career (aka, career managers), should be keenly focused on communicating more effectively, verbally, written, body language, etc. 2011 THEME: The Job Search Rabbit Hole This theme comes from the concept that perhaps we are working really, really hard, and are very, very focused, on the wrong things. It is about rethinking what our focus is, and making sure we are focused on the right things. 2013 THEME: Consistency Wins This theme is inspired by Mark LeBlanc, who right now is in Spain walking El Camino (again). He says consistency trumps commitment. Im completely convinced that for anything that is a long-game, like a job search, and career management (and owning a business), that is 1,000% true.  Lets focus on moving closer and closer to our goal, with consistency, every single day, and not do any flash-in-the-pan efforts and then burn out. 2015 THEME: The Year of the Cookie The idea of the cookie is usually communicated in a phrase like you have the cookie, or I have the cookie!  It is all about who has the power.  When someone else has the power/cookie (like, in an interview), the control everything. But when you have the power/cookie (perhaps because you are, hands down, the best person for the job). This theme was about recognizing power, and working to ensure you had the power you need. Ive been thinking a lot about this years theme, and Ive struggled with it because its not as optimistic or positive when you first hear the word (its kind of painful), but its crucial. Watch for it on Monday.

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